Formatting Issues for Downloads of Plain Text Mathematica Files

At a minimum, be sure to set the tabs to 3 spaces for a good alignment of the lines of Mathematica code.
Ideally one would specify the notebook settings in an empty Mathematica notebook for your operating system the same as are specified in Appendix C of Gann's project, and then follow the instructions below.
(These are the same settings as in the Windows XP Mathematica template notebook posted below.)
These settings can be re-introduced into the Mathematica code contained in a plain text '.m' file as follows:
Select the one big initialization input cell.
Use the clipboard to copy this cell into the empty template notebook.
Most of our format settings are applied at this point, such as changing tabs from 4 to 3.
Then under 'Format', choose 'Remove Options'.
This changes the one big cell from an initialization cell to an ordinary input cell.
Finally, change 'PageWidth' from 'WindowWidth' to 'Infinity' and hit 'Apply'.

Template Notebook

This is an empty Windows XP Mathematica 5.1 notebook which contains our format settings for notebooks.

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