Previewing and Downloading Instructions
*Hook Length Posets: 1<=n<=7
Each unlabeled poset P with n elements which has the hook length property is listed in its standard child form. The respective sets of hook lengths are listed in a set of parallel files.
*Connected Hook Length Posets: 1<=n<=9
Each unlabeled connected poset P with n elements which has the hook length property is listed in its standard child form. The respective sets of hook lengths are listed in a set of parallel files.
*Indecomposable Disconnected Hook Length Posets: 1<=n<=9
Each indecomposable disconnected hook length poset P with n elements is listed in its standard child form. The respective sets of hook lengths are listed in a set of parallel files.
*Connected d-Complete Posets: 1<=n<=9
Each unlabeled connected poset P with n elements which has the d-complete property is listed in its standard child form.
*Connected Non-d-Complete JDT Posets: 1<=n<=9
Each unlabeled connected poset P with n elements which has the jeu de taquin property and which does not have the d-complete property is listed in its standard child form.
*Naturally Labeled Posets: 1<=n<=7
Each naturally labeled poset P with n elements is listed in its child form.
*Inverse Extensions of Posets: 1<=n<=7
The kth line consists of the list of inverse extensions for the standard form of the kth unlabeled n-poset in the standard ordering of n-posets.
*Standard Isomorphisms from Naturally Labeled Posets: 1<=n<=7
Each line has the form 's[C] = g', where C is the child form of a natural labeling of a poset P with n elements and g is the earliest order extension which can convert C into the standard form of P.
*Name Lookups for Posets: 1<=n<=7
Each line has the form 'm[C] = #', where C is the standard form of a poset P and # is the position of the standard form of P with n elements in the standardly ordered list of standard forms for all unlabeled posets with n elements.
Download Links for Poset List Files and Associated Data Files