Mathematica Programs

Each program has some internal documentation. In principal these programs can be used without consulting Gann's project, provided that the user first creates by hand all of the data file subdirectories which are needed. Main programs are modified and executed by the user. Subroutines and functions are read in and used by the main programs.
Consult Chapter IV of Gann's project to learn about the organizational conventions of this poset computation package.
Consult Chapter V of Gann's project for descriptions of the programs (what they do and how they do it) which are more detailed than those given below.

About program files
Remark on internal notebook formatting issues

Program Index

Click on a topic to get a brief description of those programs:
* General Subroutines
* Poset Subroutines
* Inverse Extensions and Isomorphism Functions
* Poset Generation Main Programs
* Routine Poset Property Test Functions
* Data File Inspection and Comparison Main Programs
* Data File Creation Main Programs
* JDT and L-R Test Function and Main Program
* Hook Length Poset Programs

About Program Files

Each ".nb" link connects to a Windows XP Mathematica 5.1 notebook.
Each ".m" link connects to a plain text version of the same notebook.
Each notebook contains one to seven Mathematica programs or subroutines.
The notebook files retain various nice formatting aspects, and should especially be used whenever possible for Parts D, F, G, and H2; in those parts the user will need to modify some lines in the main programs contained in these files.
The plain text files are ready to be read into Mathematica sessions, and should be downloaded for Parts A, B, C, E, and H1.
(Our internal top line comment header will still identify a main program as 'xxx.nb' even within the plain text ".m" file for that program.)

To download a file, right click (control-click on some Macs) on the link and select 'Save Link As...' to place a copy of the program file in the desired folder.

A. General Subroutines
Our four Mathematica utilities.
GenrlUtils.nb.... GenrlUtils.m

B. Poset Subroutines
Our seven poset utilities.
PosetUtils.nb.... PosetUtils.m

C. Inverse Extensions and Isomorphism Functions
Three functions. The first two compute the inverse extensions of a given poset. The third computes the standard form of a child form of a given naturally labeled poset.
InvExIsoFncts.nb.... InvExIsoFncts.m

D. Poset Generation Main Programs
The thorough poset build-up program generates all posets in a methodical fashion and also generates the four auxiliary data files along the way. The quick poset build-up program generates all posets in the obvious manner using the isomorphism function. The build-up unique maximal elements program generates all posets with n elements which have unique maximal elements by appending one element to all of the posets which have n-1 elements.
1. ThrghBldUp.nb.... ThrghBldUp.m
2. QckBldUp.nb.... QckBldUp.m
3. BldUMxmls.nb.... BldUMxmls.m

E. Routine Poset Property Test Functions
Three functions. They respectively test posets for the following three properties: connected, unique maximal element, d-complete.
PstPropTsts.nb.... PstPropTsts.m

F. Data File Inspection and Comparison Main Programs
Two utility programs. The first facilitates the inspection of newly created data files. The second compares a newly created file of posets to a known correct file of posets.
1. Inspct.nb.... Inspct.m
2. Compar.nb.... Compar.m

G. Data File Creation Main Programs
Four utility programs. The first selects posets from a given list which have a given routine poset property. The next two respectively intersect and complement given lists of posets. The fourth extracts the sublist Z of entries of a data list X which parallels a poset list W, corresponding to a sublist Y of posets in W.
1. Selct.nb.... Selct.m
2. Intersct.nb.... Intersct.m
3. Complemnt.nb.... Complemnt.m
4. Extrct.nb.... Extrct.m

H. JDT and L-R Test Function and Main Program
The function tests posets for the jdt and the L-R properties, and the main program applies this function to a given list of posets.
1. JDTLRQ.nb.... JDTLRQ.m
2. JDTLRscan.nb.... JDTLRscan.m

I. Hook Length Poset Programs
Utilities for the subsequent programs, a main program to compute the polynomial WP(x) for each poset in a given list, a main program which determines if a poset P is a hook length poset given its WP(x) and writes its hook lengths to a parallel file if it is, a main program which forms all of the possible direct sums of two posets of a given size from a sequence of files of constituent posets, a main program to compute WP(x) in a way which uses less memory, and a main program which searchs for indecomposable disconnected hook length posets.
1. HookUtils.nb.... HookUtils.m
2. GenWPx.nb.... GenWPx.m
3. HookPsts.nb.... HookPsts.m
4. DrctSum.nb.... DrctSum.m
5. BigWPx.nb.... BigWPx.m
6. IDHLP.nb.... IDHLP.m

Remark on Internal Notebook Formatting Issues

The downloaded plain text versions of our programs will not be formatted nicely unless some of our format settings are re-introduced:
Formatting Issues for Downloaded Plain Text Mathematica Files

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